Buy House is Really Make Me.....

BBM naek, harga barang2 semuanya makin naek. Amarah pun jadi ikut2an naek.
Trus salah BBM naek? Salah dong *apa sih*
Intinya semuanya pada naek termasuk harga rumah.
Q : Single and working in good company and good position, is it enough to buy house?
A : Ga juga ternyata. You have to save some money before.
Q : For what?
A : Buat bayar DP, buat bayar biaya administrasi, buat urus ini itu.
Q : Terus masih kepengen beli rumah?
A : Masih *puffff*
Q : Nyari seadanya aja yg penting bisa ditempatin. Yang penting kan ga buang2 duit buat kontrak atau kost. Jadi?
A : Jadi tapiiiiiiiiiii..... ajskdasduyecdancdhnlwediwldwd

Jadi emang wajib punya duit dulu berapa puluh juta buat urus2 k bank dan lain2 *khusus wilayah jabodetabek dan sekitarnya*

Udah milih lokasi yg cocok susah, nyari harga yang pas susah, nyari duitnya juga susah. Ya Allah, need help!!!!

Kata Yusuf Mansur, banyakin sedekah+dhuha+yg sunnah2 deh. Tetep semangat walopun bikin skjdashdaksdhhhdcbadcadhcbsdjcbasvbakjvbadfjvbakvbafsvbsdvbsfeqfhiweuf

Dear You,

Barusan nemu satu artikel bagus ato ga buat nyembuhin atau ngbantu ngurangin rasa sakit hati. It happen to me now, hahaha. Trying to smile and laugh even hard. So here the article :

Every body wants to be in a relationship. But due to several reasons, all are breaking up these days. The pain of a broken heart can only be felt by another broken heart.( which is not at all true ) So, I decided to give some advice to all those broken hearts.I know Alcohol can create magic in 'such' situations. But mind you, there are some other alternatives too. just check out...

To all the broken hearts in the world,


1.       Do not sit alone. But if you prefer sitting alone, try to switch off the lights. Why should electricity be wasted or why making the nation  suffer just because you lost your girlfriend / boyfriend.

2.       Take a long bath (not in a traditional bathroom, where you find a bucket and mug. Nothing wrong with that,  but every time you bend for filling the mug, the feel or the purpose of taking bath will be lost. So make sure you have a shower in the bathroom.hmmm, not having a shower in the bathroom??? Oh come on, then why do we have these neighborhoods. Approach your neighbor and present the matter. They won’t deny. (Do not feel shy. If you could propose a gal/guy, you can do this too. I’m sure) Next stage is turn on the shower. Start the slide show in mind. The day you first saw him / her, the day you asked him / her out. And go on with the rest. And why to wait. CRY … CRY and CRY (control the decibel, if you are in neighbor’s bathroom).

3.       Do not attend any functions, where you have all your relatives and friends there. Especially stay away from weddings and engagements of your close friends. Because it will be hard for you to witness all those “auspicious occasions”.

4.       Do not tell your parents that you broke up with him/ her. If you feel like saying, just listen to me “IT WOULD BE A RISK” . It’s because, in all these relationship games, parents play the villains part beautifully (not always). There is nothing in this world which is as powerful as your mum’s emotional drama sequences, since she associates this sad situation of yours with every tiny issue that takes place at home.

5.       Do not sit alone at home especially when it rains. In most of the cases, what you think is that, “I know, even nature cares for me. But …”   and this feeling makes you a great poet/poetess and it won’t get you nothing but a “failed” in your mark lists.

6.       Join a driving school .  I’ll explain the reason. To drive, you need concentration. So while driving, the only thing that comes in your mind is “drive carefully, Else I will be a serial murderer which is not at all an impressing career for me”.  So join for driving classes. No other solutions have ever invented which will make you stay focused.

7.       Do not walk alone down the streets. Cos even a bicycle can be the cause of your death, since all what you have in mind would be his/her face, not traffic signals.

8.       Throw away your mobile. Because every beep sound it makes will make you think that it’s the message or call from him/ her. Why making yourself sad? So throw it away. (but ensure it is in  your cup board. Cos future is uncertain. You never know when you are going to be committed again. So keep it safe.)

9.       Do not ever Google “how can I get my girlfriend/ boyfriend back”  , “how do I know if my ex is in  a new affair” ,  and more **** like that. Why letting the world know that yours is a broken heart??

10.   Keep  your relationship status in Face Book  always ‘ single’ and do not post “what’s in your mind” column with sad love quotes or do not send messages which belongs to the aforesaid category. Trust me there are only a few in your friend list who wants to see you with a good guy/gal. Why giving reasons for them to laugh at you?

11.   And most importantly, if you have any photograph of him/ her, just burn it (only if you can) and enjoy the fume goes with the air ( Jab We Met, I know ) :D

12.   Make a plan to visit temples, churches and other places where you think God really exists (day before yesterday, your God was him / her. But you know, even God deserves some respect. So give it to him at the right time.

13.   Be happy for your friends who are still happy in their relationships. Do not lose heart when you see them walking, holding their hands. So better avoid such meetings. 

SSource :

Tugas Akhir yang Terbengkalai

Seperti judulnya, tugas akhir memang paling jengkelin. Tinggal satu step lagi menuju kemenangan (red:bukan lebaran) tapi step bukan sembarang step, it's REALLY BIG step.
Lah terus kenapa terbengkalai?? (Menurut ngana??)
Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkannya :

  1. Pengen bikin aplikasi super keren tapi ga didukung dengan kualitas diri (songong di awal :P )
  2. Kemaren kenapa pengen cepet-cepet lulus supaya bisa pindah ke tempat lain yang lebih baik pastinya (yang kemaren bukan ga baik c, cuma masih banyak yg lebih lebih lebih baik lagi) :D. Trus tiba-tiba Allah bilang "Dinar, pindah ke C**B, pindah deh". Dan akhirnya demotivation.
  3. TA disimpen di flaskdisk nan lucu imut gambar kelinci warna putih ungu ilang. Terpaksa ngetik dari awal.
  4. Waktu udah tinggal 2 bulan, aplikasi belom kepegang, Bab 3 udah salah dari awal.
  5. Partner yang biasa bareng juga ngalamin demotivation.
Lah terus gimana? Ya sekarang mah usahain aja dulu segimana bisanya. Mudah-mudahan bisa kelar tahun ini juga. Amiiiiin. (Bukannya ngerjain TA malah ngblog :P )


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